

i've been completely inspired by this women named, Jenny Holiday. holycow. she is a creative muse to me. i'm tryin' to get crafty. i'm going to direct all of my energy into an actual hobby rather then dwelling and wasting time. her crafts remind me of 50's housewife, meets vintage closet with a marie antoinette flare plus cupcakes! i started to re-do my room. i want to paint my walls make a collage of wallpaper on one wall only. paper my dresser and computer desk. and junk-hunt obviously. i hoard as it is, so why not. sipersteins has so much cute prints that are perfect, and the woman said she'd give me "sample" prints for free. 

it's valentines day. all i have to say is WOMPWOMP. i plan on staying in and have a me night. cooking - baking - organizing - laundry - beetlejuicer - painting mii nailz - maybe going to get some coffee sit @ the train. ew i sound like an 82 year old woman. oh no, not philomena. i mean, i do have the option to go to the city and spent the day and tomorrow as well with sabrina at her apartment. but it's getting a little late and i'm overwelmed with creativity. kidding. lazy more like it. 

please appreciate;